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Dobaara is an movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The movie has 2 hours and 11 minutes runtime. It got 9.6 out of 10 by critics on imdb. To download Dobaara, click the download button below the video player which says "Download Now". You can also watch this movie by clicking "Play" above the video player which says "Watch Now". Dobaara is an Indian Bengali-language horror film directed by Anurag Basu, written by Vikram Bhatt and produced by Karan Johar under Dharma Productions banner in 2017. The film was released on 20 October 2017. The movie received positive to mixed reviews from critics.In 2018, the film won various categories including Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor etc. In this film, Siddharth Basu also won the National Film Award for best actor category.The music of this film consists of 4 songs composed by Amit Trivedi and Ankit Tiwari and written by Salim–Sulaiman. The lyrics are written by Pravin V Kumar and Amitabh Bhattacharya respectively. The film was commercially successful.Dobaara is a 2017 horror film, which tells the story of a woman whose husband killed her sister. Even though the movie's story is quite dark, it doesn't have many scary scenes, and the suspense is a lot better than a lot of horror movies of this genre. It has so many scenes that will make you laugh or roll your eyes or even cry. If you are interested, watch this film to know what makes it funny and what makes it sad.Part 1 Part 2 The film was released on 20 October 2017 to mixed reviews from critics. Nikhat Kazmi of The Times of India gave it 3 out 5 stars saying that, "With the unravelling of the story, however, this set-up also gets quite repetitive. The director could have done with more variety in terms of characters and their quirks. There's not one single character you can relate to or feel for in this film. It takes about an hour for the twists in the tale to yield another twist which gets solved in the climax that is virtually uneventful." The film was awarded four stars by Firstpost who wrote, 'Dobaara is high on suspense and surprising twists. But it's still a hollow attempt at telling a dark tale of domestic violence, because it doesn't focus on the trauma of the victims. It is all about the trauma of the victim and her inability to protect herself from her evil spouse who ends up winning in this fight, one way or another. Although Dobaara is a thriller with a very complex storyline, it's also a film that has an emotional core that compels you to feel for the victimized woman even as you're wondering how she could have been so foolish. In this unequal fight, Dobaara manages to give us thrills, but at its heart is something much more profound. cfa1e77820